How Robert De Niro helped reopen the Cockatoo Inn

How Robert De Niro helped reopen the Cockatoo Inn

Quentin Tarantino shot some of his Jackie Brown scenes at the Cockatoo Inn, as we all know. But it wasn’t as easy as setting up shop inside the condemned building. The famed hotel was buried in bureaucracy during the mid 1990s. So how did they get in? According to an interview in LA Taco, prolific…

Visiting the Cockatoo during the 1992 LA Riots

Visiting the Cockatoo during the 1992 LA Riots

Sometimes it’s hard to believe this little mid-century hotel and restaurant touched so many people from all over the world. No matter their origins or circumstances, they all seem to agree on the Cockatoo Inn’s magical charms. Even when visiting the Cockatoo during the 1992 LA riots. Through our Twitter (@cockatooinn), we met one such…