Inglewood High Reunion

Inglewood High planned its epic reunion at the Cockatoo Inn

Love it or hate it, Facebook has made it easy to locate old classmates, no matter what town you’re from or what town you currently live. Many of those old friends are just a search away, accessible from your own home. Well, back in 1968, a group of graduates and students didn’t have the luxury…

The Cockatoo Bowling Club

The Cockatoo Bowling Club

As we slowly start to open up physical spaces, people are itching to visit places like restaurants, movie theaters and bowling alleys. That got us to remembering something we came across years ago – Andy Lococo’s Cockatoo Inn had an actual, competitive bowling team! The Cockatoo bowling club was simply known as the “Cockatoo Club”…

Muhammad Ali at the Cockatoo Inn

Muhammad Ali at the Cockatoo Inn

FEB 15, 1988 – 33 years ago today, the late Los Angeles County Supervisor, Kenneth Hahn, held a campaign brunch to run for an unprecedented 10th term. Rumors of a famous and staunch supporter arriving circulated the room. Soon, people felt the presence of Muhammad Ali at the Cockatoo Inn. Beginnings Up until that point…

Visiting the Cockatoo during the 1992 LA Riots

Visiting the Cockatoo during the 1992 LA Riots

Sometimes it’s hard to believe this little mid-century hotel and restaurant touched so many people from all over the world. No matter their origins or circumstances, they all seem to agree on the Cockatoo Inn’s magical charms. Even when visiting the Cockatoo during the 1992 LA riots. Through our Twitter (@cockatooinn), we met one such…

Lunch memories at the Cockatoo

Lunch memories at the Cockatoo

We’re thankful for our users’ many stories over the years. They help make connections to people and places, especially right here in Southern California! This recent contribution came to us via Becky Cortez, who recalled some great lunch memories at the Cockatoo with her grandfather. She writes: My grandfather owned a furniture store in Inglewood…



Pre-Cockatoo Era The history of the Cockatoo is set against the backdrop of a fast-growing Los Angeles. Population in Los Angeles County spiked from 170K in 1900 to 2.2M by 1930. Tumultuous times saw a stock market crash that closed the lid on the roaring twenties. After Prohibition and The Great Depression, the world was…

Hawthorne Election

When Cockatoo Inn owner Andy ran for office

Coronavirus has sometimes made us forget that 2020 is an election year. While 2020 has been called one of the most turbulent years in recent memory, 1968 definitely gives it a run for its money. Coincidentally, that was also the year when Cockatoo Inn owner Andy ran for office. Spoiler Alert Andy Lococo was nearing…