The life of Roy A. Sealey and his contributions to the Cockatoo Inn

The life of Roy A. Sealey and his contributions to the Cockatoo Inn

Andy Lococo and his prized hotel and restaurant are a big part of 20th century American history. However, this month we celebrate a somewhat forgotten figure whose important midcentury work still impact us today. Roy A. Sealey was born in 1917, one year prior to Andy Lococo’s birth. The prominent African-American architect played an integral…

Lunch memories at the Cockatoo

Lunch memories at the Cockatoo

We’re thankful for our users’ many stories over the years. They help make connections to people and places, especially right here in Southern California! This recent contribution came to us via Becky Cortez, who recalled some great lunch memories at the Cockatoo with her grandfather. She writes: My grandfather owned a furniture store in Inglewood…

Seeing the Cockatoo Inn destroyed twice

Seeing the Cockatoo Inn destroyed twice

In 1958, a fire destroyed the old Cockatoo. Then, the razing of the entire building finally occurred in 2005. Imagine seeing the Cockatoo Inn destroyed twice. That’s exactly what former Hawthorne resident Jim Dally saw as a child, then later as an adult. According to John Baker’s Cougartown site, Jim stated in 2005: Recently, I…


The Lococo Trampoline

The Lococo Trampoline Former Hawthorner, Larry Bach, recalls a great childhood memory of Andy and “the Lococo trampoline”: When the Lococos lived on Manor Drive, they also had a big trampoline that the neighborhood brats would jump all over. One day Andy Lococo got up on the block wall between his house an the next…

Remembering their mother at the Cockatoo Inn

Remembering their mother at the Cockatoo Inn

We came across a very special story today. The Quiros family were devoted in remembering their mother at the Cockatoo Inn. Every year on the anniversary of their mother’s death, Julia Quiros de Perez, the family would unite in Hawthorne. According to the Calexico Chronicle from December 17, 1981: “Mrs. Pety Urrea Quiros was present…

Purim Ball

Temple Menorah Sisterhood’s Purim Ball of 1959

We recently stumbled upon an old newspaper clipping. It stated that The Temple Menorah Sisterhood’s Purim Ball of 1959 was held at the Cockatoo Inn. The following was printed in the Palos Verdes Peninsula News from 1959: “Final arrangements are now being made to have Temple Menorah Sisterhood’s Purim Ball at the Cockatoo Inn, Imperial…