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  1. My grandfather owned a furniture store in Inglewood in the 1940 & 50’s, he would often take me to lunch at the Cockatoo. He and Andy Lococo o were.friends from the good old very corrupt days of L.A. gambling and bootleg, etc.
    We went to the Copper Cart for dinner often also. My grandfather’s favorite waiter who would do hand stands for him was gonna be a father and my grandfather told him if he named the baby after him he would give him all the baby’s furniture. Somewhere out t he ere is a man named John B. Finch Gonzales.
    When I was about 14 my parents picked me up at LAX after a visit to my other grandparents on the farm and we went to the Cockatoo for dinner . Jockeys from Hollywood Park hung out there so after dinner we went into the lounge and there were a few very nice looking small men. Since I was only 14, I was a perfect size dance partner, I looked much older. I had so much fun that night. I have lots of fond memories of the Cockatoo, The Copper Cart and the Mermaid at the beach. In the 1960’s my friends and I would go there to dance, such fun times.

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